2021 Virtual Posters
A Public Health Perspective on Addressing Weight
Bias and Stigma in the Theater Arts
Lizzy Pegler, BA and Suzanne Hawley, PhD, MPH, LP
Wichita State University
Assessing Stakeholder Similarities and Differences on Support of Policies that Facilitate Primary Care and Behavioral Health Integration in Kansas
Ngoc Vuong, BA and Nikki Keene Woods, PhD, MPH
Wichita State University
Cancer Incidence and Mortality among Children in
Ahmed Ismail, MB BCh, PhD
Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Community Champions: The Key to Successful
Katherine Cantu Anguiano, MPH, CHES
Center for Public Partnerships and Research
COVID-19 Impact on Group Prenatal Education
Alexa McGraw, DNP-S
Wichita State University
Ashley Hervey, MEd and Carolyn Ahlers-Schmidt, PhD
KUSM-W Center for Research for Infant Birth and Survival
Dementia Friendly Manhattan: An Initiative of the Flint Hills Wellness Coalition
Anna Biggins, RDN
Flint Hills Wellness Coalition
Developing Cross-Sector Referral Networks to AddressSocial Determinants of Health in Southeast Kansas
Katherine Cantu Anguiano, MPH, CHES and Lindsay Galindo, Ed.S
University of Kansas
Disparities in Outcomes by Insurance Payer Groups for Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Sarah Buie, Nikki Keene Woods, PhD, MPH, Umama Ali, BS and Twyla Hill, PhD, MA
Wichita State University
Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program:
Who is Lost to Follow-Up?
Sidney Rucker, BS
Baker University
Shannon Lines, MPH, Drew Duncan, BA, Elizabeth Schardine, MA and Steven Corbett, PhD
Kansas Department of Health & Environment
Health and Coping During the COVID-19 Pandemic:
Implications for College Student Preparedness
Suzanne Hawley, PhD, MPH and Nicole Rogers, PhD
Wichita State University
Health Communication Preferences of New Mothers
with a Tobacco Use History
Zoe Sullivan-Blum, MPH, Taneisha S. Scheuermann, PhD, Mugur Geana, MD, PhD, Edward F. Ellerbeck, MD, MPH, Kimber P. Richter, PhD, MPH and Nikki L. Nollen, PhD
University of Kansas Medical Center
Kathryn I. Pollak, PhD
Duke University Medical Center
How Healthy Are You? General Health Perceptions
Among Cigarette Smokers in Kansas
Tristi Bond, MPH
Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Improving Screening and Care Coordination for Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders
Ithar Hassaballa, MPH, Ph.D
University of Kansas – Center for Public Partnerships and Research
Increasing Cultural Competency in Kansas Public Health Professionals: Evaluation of Online Training
Suzanne Hawley, PhD, MPH, LP
Wichita State University
Christi Cain, BS
Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Kansas State Unintentional Drug Overdose
Reporting System
Julia Baughman, BS and Adrienne Hearrell, MPH
Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Jennifer Donnelly, MPH
Kansas Board of Pharmacy
Knowledge and Beliefs Regarding COVID-19
Maryam Jesri and Nikki Keene Woods, PhD, MPH
Wichita State University
One Health and Public Health Practitioners: An
Examination of Public Health Contributions in Kansas
Cheyenne Brunkow, BS, Megan Eppler, MPH and Ellyn Mulcahy, PhD, MPH
Kansas State University
Physical Activity to Reduce Cardiometabolic Risk in
Adults with Serious Mental Illness (PARCS Study):
Feasibility and Enjoyment of a Mixed-Methods Clinical
Trial with Peer Counseling Groups
Kendra Marstall, BS, Raeann Bramwell, MS, Victor Andrews, MPH, Katie Heinrich, PhD and Gina Besenyi, MPH, PhD
Kansas State University
Katie Davis, PhD
Augusta State University
Prescription Opioid Pain Reliever Use During
Pregnancy: Data from the Kansas Pregnancy Risk
Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
Brandi Markert, MS, Lisa Williams, BA and Greg Crawford, BA
Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Severe Maternal Morbidity in Kansas, 2016-201
Alexa McGraw, DNP-S
Wichita State University
Ashley Hervey, MEd and Carolyn Ahlers-Schmidt, PhD
KUSM-W Center for Research for Infant Birth and Survival
Strengthening Intra-Professional Collaborative
Relationships with Certified Nurse-midwives to
Improve Public Health
Jamie Harrington, DNP, APRN, CNM, FNP-BC
Wichita State University
The use of Health Belief Model to Assess Predictors
for COVID-19 Vaccination in Riley County, Kansas
Yibo Liu, MPH and Nancy Muturi, PHD
Kansas State University
Understanding the Prevalence of Gestational Diabetes in Urban and Rural Communities in Kansas
Umama Ali, LPN, BS and Nikki Keene Woods, PhD, MPH
Wichita State University
Vaccine Hesitancy in College Students
Emily Gilbert-Esparza, BS and Jennifer Miller, DrPH
Kansas State University